New hire: Cynthia Segura Vesterager, Scientist

New hire! A warm welcome to Cynthia Segura Vesterager who has joined our team as Scientist.

Cynthia studied chemistry and molecular biology at Roskilde University, followed by a PhD at the International Max Planck Research School for Living Matter (IMPRS-LM) in Dortmund, Germany. Her PhD focused on establishing a metabolomics pipeline and applying it in the investigation of probiotic yeast.
“Metabolomics is a super cool and versatile method that can be applied to all sorts of fields and increase our understanding of complex biological systems. I am thrilled to join MS-Omics as I wish to continue within the field of metabolomics, in which MS-Omics are leading experts. And it seemed like a great and fun workplace!”
Besides science, Cynthia likes to spend time with her friends, play the piano, and learn new things.
What about you?
We are presently hiring, looking for a Laboratory Technician and a Data Scientist. Check both positions here. We are looking forward to your application!

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