OUR VISITING Ph.D Student – Rechal Kumar

OUR VISITING Ph.D. Student – Rechal Kumar from University of Exeter, United Kingdom, joined our team for the secondment: “lipidomics analysis of deficient ACBD5 (acyl-coA binding domain 5) mammalian cells”. She is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow in #ITN-PerICo project and MS-Omics is an industrial partner of ITN Perico. Also, , CEO of MS-Omics, is the industrial co-supervisor of Kumar’s Ph.D project.

Rechal’s secondment here at MS-Omics (lipidomics analysis) will contribute to understanding the disease pathology of ACBD5 deficiency and this will hopefully enable better treatment of this rare disease.

She is currently working on a key organelle known as the peroxisome (PO). POs are involved in various metabolic functions such as fatty acid beta oxidation and the reduction of reactive oxygen species – specifically hydrogen peroxide.

In her present lab at the University of Exeter, they focus their research mainly on investigation of the newly discovered peroxisome-ER membrane contact sites (MCS) dynamics and regulation in mammalian cells. MCS are crucial for coordination of cellular functions and human health.

Rechal loves gardening and she has loved every bit of Denmark during her visit.

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