What a start of the new year!

 What a start of the new year! On 4th of January we welcomed the newest member of our team, Sara Piqueras Solsona.

Sara is an Analytical Chemist with experience in Chemometrics. She came from a position as assistant professor at the Københavns Universitet – University of Copenhagen. She received her PhD from the Universitat de Barcelona and is an expert in processing data, multivariate resolution and classification of data in different areas such as biomedical diagnostic, process control, pharmaceutical and food industry.

Sara will be working with our Principal Data Scientist Lea Giørtz Johnsen. With her strong expertise in Multivariate Analysis, Sara will be helping with the metabolomics data preprocessing of ongoing projects and method development for optimal data analysis.

Sara loves water sports. She owns a stand-up paddle board and have had great experiences paddling in the fjords and sea around Denmark. She likes new adventures. Now, it is time to have a new adventure in MS-Omics.

Welcome, Sara!

#YourMetabolomicsServiceExperts #msomics #PioneeringTogether

Questions about metabolimics?

Contact us for a talk about your project here – and remember to follow us on LinkedIn.

MS-Omics – Your metabolomics service experts

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