General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Privacy Notice
Our processing of your personal data
The purpose of processing your personal data
We process information about you to offer metabolomics and data analysis services, including and in connection with:
- customer advice
- quotations
- customer agreements
- customer care
- customer administration
- payments
- marketing and
- fulfilment of obligations under EU law.
Source – where we get the information from
- Mainly from the customer him- or herself via contact forms and e-mails
- In some cases, from the customers’ website
Deletion of information
Information, documents, and registrations are stored no more than 5 years after the termination of the customer relationship. We only store the customers’ information if there is a purpose for the storage, including the following
- If the information is relevant and necessary
- If there is a basis for the treatment of the customer information
- If we are required by EU-law
We process your information when it is necessary for us to pursue a legitimate interest for us. It can e.g., be for the prevention of abuse and loss, for use strengthening IT and payment security as well as for direct marketing.
Disclosure of your personal information
Our employees have a duty of confidentiality. Information about you is only passed on with your consent, or when we are obligated or entitled to pass on the information in accordance with EU law. Information about customer relationships can e.g. be passed on without the consent of partners to need to perform administrative tasks.
Insight into your personal information
You can gain insight into which information we process about you, where it comes from and what we use it for. You can be informed of how long we store your data and any recipients of your data, to the extent that they may have been passed on.
Access may, however, be restricted by EU law, the protection of other persons’ privacy and the consideration of our business basis and business practices, just as our know-how, trade secrets as well as internal assessments and material may be exempt from the right of access.
Correction or deletion of your personal information
If the information we process about you is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you have the right to have the information corrected or deleted with the restrictions imposed by EU law. Unless the information is necessary to assert a legal claim, you have the right to request that our processing alone is limited to storage until the accuracy of the information can determine, or it can be verified, whether our legitimate interests take precedence over your interests.
Limitation of treatment
If you dispute the accuracy of the information we have recorded about you or have you objected to the processing to which the information is subject, you may require that we restrict the processing of this information for storage. Treatment is limited only to storage until the accuracy of the information can be established or it can be checked whether our legitimate interests take precedence over your interests.
If you are entitled to the deletion of the information that MS-Omics has registered about you, you may instead ask MS-Omics to limit the processing of this information to storage only.
If the processing of the information that MS-Omics has recorded about you is necessary to assert a legal claim, you may also require that other processing of this information be limited to storage. MS-Omics has the option to perform other treatment if it is necessary to assert a legal claim or you have given your consent to it.
Objection to the treatment of the information
If we process information about you in the light of our legitimate interest, you have the opportunity to object to the treatment, unless there are compelling legitimate reasons for the treatment.
Data portability
If we process the information about you on the basis of your consent or as a result of one agreement, and the processing is carried out automatically, you have the right to receive the information you have delivered to us, delivered in an electronic format.
Withdrawal of consent
If you have given consent to the processing of information, you can revoke your consent at any time. Your revocation will not affect the legality of treatment made before a withdrawal of consent.
Complaints about MS-Omics’ processing of personal data can be brought before the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5th floor, 1300 Copenhagen K, Phone +45 33 19 32 00, www.datatilsynet.dk.
Contact information
We can be contacted at MS-Omics, Bygstubben 9, 2950 Vedbæk, phone no.: +45 42 20 82 84 and on email info@msomics.com.
Our VAT number is DK36070374.
Our data manager can be contacted on telephone: +45 42 20 82 84
Changes in the Privacy Notice
We may change the Privacy Notice without notice.
Information about changing the privacy notice is done in writing or electronically with reference to where on our website the changes can be seen.